Enfermedades heredadas de la piel en población originaria de Panamá.


  • Homero Penagos González Caja Seguro Social




Genodermatosis, Síndrome de Kindler, Síndrome de Papillon Lefevre, Enfermedades raras de la piel


Genetic skin diseases (genodermatosis) constitute a very varied group of pathologies. Due to their low frequency compared to other diseases, they seem to be very rare, but considered as a whole, they make an important contribution to diseases of the pediatric age. The prevalence of genodermatoses in general and those of indigenous groups in particular is unknown. The objective of this review is to determine what we know about inherited skin diseases in the last 10 years in Panama and in the world literature. To do this, we carried out a bibliographic search in PubMed over the last 10 years. We analyzed everything with the key words: Kindler Syndrome, Papillon Lefevre Syndrome, Genodermatosis, Etnodermatology, Panama. Regarding publications from SK and SPL (not in Panama), a lot of bibliography was found and we are referring to the years 2020-2023. We contrast these data with our studies and experience. The conclusions make it clear that it is necessary to work at all levels for the timely care of these patients


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How to Cite

Penagos González, H. (2024). Enfermedades heredadas de la piel en población originaria de Panamá. Revista Médico Científica UNACHI, 1(1), 33–47. https://doi.org/10.59722/rmcu.v1i1.655