Trombólisis dirigida por catéter para el manejo del tromboembolismo pulmonar, en el servicio de radiología e imágenes. 2020-2022. Panamá




Tromboembolismo pulmonar, terapia trombolítica dirigida por catéter, ultrasonido, Índice de Qanadli, relación VD/VI


Pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) is a significant cause of acute cardiovascular syndrome, with right ventricular dysfunction being the primary driver of mortality. While systemic therapies are effective, they carry substantial bleeding risks, prompting the adoption of minimally invasive alternatives such as catheter-directed thrombolysis enhanced with ultrasound. This study evaluated the efficacy of this therapy in patients with PTE and right ventricular dysfunction treated at the Radiology Department of the Arnulfo Arias Madrid Hospital, Panama, between 2020 and 2022. An observational, retrospective, and descriptive analysis was conducted on 18 patients with complete data, utilizing Wilcoxon tests to assess pre- and post-treatment changes. Results showed a significant reduction in the RV/LV ratio and Qanadli Index post-therapy (p < 0.05), indicating improved hemodynamics and reduced thrombotic burden. The therapy proved to be safe, with minimal complications. These findings support the adoption of this treatment in selected patients, highlighting its potential in PTE management.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Gómez, C. (2025). Trombólisis dirigida por catéter para el manejo del tromboembolismo pulmonar, en el servicio de radiología e imágenes. 2020-2022. Panamá. Revista Médico Científica UNACHI, 2(1).